Department of Health and Social Policies of the Autonomous Province of Trento – TrentinoSalute4.0

The Autonomous Province of Trento (Provincia autonoma di Trento, PAT) is an Italian alpine region of 540,000 inhabitants located in Northeast Italy. Administratively, the Province enjoys a large degree of autonomy in the sectors of health, education, welfare and transport infrastructure. E-Health is one of the most important Public Service responsibilities.
The local healthcare service is committed to develop innovative solutions to support advanced models of service management in social and healthcare.

In our Reference Site we follow a Public-driven approach to promote digital health initiatives in the Province of Trento thanks to TrentinoSalute4.0, our competence centre on digital health, a strategical alliance among:

  • the Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT) as decision/policy-maker
  • the local Healthcare Trust (APSS) as health service provider
  • the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) as internationally-known research institute in the area of technological innovation

Our life-course approach on AHA is based on our Ecosystem called TreC+ (Cartella Clinica del Cittadino / Citizens Clinical Record) as a unique digital health platform which follows our citizens throughout their life cycle thanks to online tools (health reports, prescriptions, pharmaceutical prescriptions, exam bookings, appointments, etc.) and services (doctor change, ticket payment, etc …), promotion of citizen’s empowerment (management of personal observation and monitoring) and digital tools such as app prescriptions or personalised medicine or data acquisition from the cloud.

Thanks to this ecosystem we are also:

  • developing telemedicine (remote visits, remote monitoring and remote control of chronic patients, remote consultation between health professionals, etc …) which allows to improve patient care and management thanks to a new organizational model of (territorial) health care, always closer to the citizen and his health needs,
  • promoting healthy lifestyles, through innovative solutions and tools developed with the involvement of our various stakeholders : the Province, the Health Care Trust, the Bruno Kessler Foundation, local businesses, associations and citizens.

In fact, to develop these tools, the Autonomous Province of Trento uses a participatory “Living Lab” approach. (E.g. The App Salute+ (Health+) was explicitly developed for promoting healthy lifestyles and triggers a dialogue between different entities: Citizens, provincial government, social cooperatives, associations and commercial partners.

  • proposing training paths on digital technology for healthcare professionals and citizens.


Domaines de bonnes pratiques

TreC Diabetes aims at implementing a new organizational asset to manage patients with diabetes, supported by new technologies. The project constructively brings together both technological innovations and organizational aspects, to promote healthy lifestyles in and efficient management of patients with diabetes. The TreC Diabetes platform includes (i) a mobile app for patients and (ii) a web dashboard for health care staff.

TreC Cardio is a platform for the empowerment and management of patients with heart failure on the territory.
Through this platform consisting of a dashboard for the doctor and an APP interface for the patient, a nursing case manager follows-up patients diagnosed with heart failure by activating a synergistic action between general practitioner and hospital specialist.

Trentino Salute+, is an app explicitly developed for promoting healthy lifestyles in accordance with the first macro-thematic objective of the 2015-2025 Trentino Health Plan: “More years of healthy life”. Trentino Salute+ is a project where the promotion of healthy lifestyles triggers a virtuous dialogue between different entities: citizens, provincial government, social cooperatives, associations and commercial partners, following the paradigm “the healthier your behaviour, the greater your help to others”.