“Roma-Tor Vergata” Reference Site (RS) is a coalition composed by University of Rome Tor Vergata, Community of Sant’Egidio, Tor Vergata University Hospital (TVUH) and We-COM. The Department of Biomedicine and Prevention (BDP) of the University of Rome Tor Vergata includes the Section of Hygiene that has been involved for 25 years in studies about community care service planning and effectiveness for different kind of citizens/patients. The activity of the section of Hygiene has been focused on the assessment and management of frailty in community-dwelling older adults. The Community of Sant’Egidio – ACAP (CSE-ACAP) is a non-for profit organization involved in many national and international projects on social issues. The CSE-ACAP has been running since 2004 the Long Live the Elderly program, a program aimed at counteracting social isolation in older adults population, born to mitigate the impact of loneliness and environmental and individual crisis. We-COM was born as a response to a fast technological evolution and the progressive spread of the Internet that has imposed new communication and business strategies. Its staff is full of experts for technology and application consulting activities, project coordination and development of innovative web services and mobile apps.


  1. “Building AHA – Building Living Spaces and Smart Services to Support Active and Healthy Ageing”
  2. VIGOUR project (;
  3. The BPD and the TVUH collaborate to analyse the Emergency Room accesses in order to mitigate the impact of the ER overload on the quality of ER care and on the in-patient admissions;
  4. The BPD collaborate with We-COM and the CSE-ACAP in the framework of the Long Live the Elderly! program, run by the CSE-ACAP, to support digital innovation and assess the impact of this intervention on program outcomes.

Domaines de bonnes pratiques

  1. Systematic frailty assessment at the heart of the care system
  2. Promotion of prevention in the third and fourth age
  3. Implementation of a tested model of integration of sensors and electronic devices with territorial services
  4. Use of AI in the stratification of the population by risk of adverse events
  5. Socio-health integration at territorial level
  6. Hospital-territory integration
  7. Promotion of a systematic approach to adapted physical activity, prevention of polypharmacological damage and attention to malnutrition in old age
  8. Prevention of falls


Days of Prevention for Healthy and Active Ageing

Days of Prevention for Healthy and Active Ageing

Around 110 elderlies participated to the “Days for the Prevention of Active Ageing” held from the 10th to the 13th of May in the sanitary Hub of the Community of Sant’ Egidio in the San Gallicano Hospital in Rome. The initiative was promoted by the European Reference Site for Active Ageging: “Roma-Tor Vergata”, which is formed by the University of Tor
Vergata, the Policlinico di Tor Vergata, the Community of Sant’Egidio, We-COM, the ASL of Frosinone and the University of Rome 3.

évènements à venir

Prevention Days for Healthy and Active Ageing. 10 to 13 of MAY

Prevention Days for Healthy and Active Ageing. 10 to 13 of MAY

The main objective is to improve the awareness of the population on the importance of acting on the causes of fragility to prevent or slow down functional decline, through an integrated and multidimensional approach. This event, in fact, also aims to promote the empowerment of the entire community and stakeholders involved.

Site Web et autres liens de médias sociaux vers le site de référence AHA
