The Lombardy region has 10,06 million inhabitants, 1.600.000 of whom are people aged 65-79 and 700.000 aged 80+. The number of patients 65+ with long-term chronic conditions is 1.800.000. The responsible for healthcare delivery in the region is the Lombardy regional government which is well known for its high standards and efficiency. The Welfare General Directorate is the governing authority holding the regulatory and administrative competencies in the healthcare and social domain, including planning and supplying, quality monitoring and control, and appropriateness and efficiency of services. There are over 200 public and private accredited hospitals and 19 research hospitals (IRCCS). The majority of hospitals are run by the Lombardy Health Service, while about 22.4% of beds are located in private hospitals, either profit or not-for-profit. These healthcare professionals are committed to providing safe and excellent clinical care, and a strong orientation towards “quality” is a notable feature of the majority of healthcare organisations within the region.
Within this context, the promotion of both active ageing and healthy lifestyles is guaranteed by two planning documents: the chronicity plan (“Indirizzi per la presa in carico della cronicità e della fragilità in Regione Lombardia 2016-2018”) started by the Regional Decree Law 4662/2015, extended by law 1863/2019 and the prevention plan (“Piano Regionale della Prevenzione 2021-2025” – DCR 2395/2022). The first one aims to improve the prevention and management of chronic diseases through specific interventions characterized by full integration between health, social health and welfare services, according to the national chronicity plan. Citizens’ and patients’ associations are important partners in health services implementation. It also provided the “Integrated Observatory of the Regional Social and Healthcare services” which gathers representatives of the Quadruple Helix. The prevention plan (PRP) aims to promote healthy and active lifestyles through a cross-sectoral life course approach, based on equity, according to the National Prevention Plan. The plan consists of some predefined (PP) and free (PL) programs. The free program “Chronicity Prevention” involves the development of an integrated local network to guarantee the development of prevention and treatment interventions and the integration between the different regional policy sectors. All these programs are built on the foundation of proven clinical interventions (WHO guidelines, SDGs..). They are guaranteed by cross-sectoral governance actions and partnerships with schools, companies, non-profit organizations, etc., according to the National Programme “Guadagnare Salute” (Gaining Health). They are based on equity, effective, efficient and sustainable interventions, capable of bringing important benefits to the entire population.
Lombardy Region is sharing its good practices within the project HoCare2.0 on integrated care to be deployed through the co-creation and 4ple helix concepts. This project was ranked n.1 by the InterReg Central Europe evaluation commission.
Other EU-funded projects:
- JADECARE: Best practices applications to telepsychiatry and telerehabilitation
- RESPOND: Best practices to overcome psychiatric disorders caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
- HsMonitor: a platform to present hypertension (through open services to citizens) and to provide personalised care and training services to patients affected by hypertension
- NESTORE- Non-intrusive Empowering Solutions and Technologies for Older people to Retain Everyday life activity.
- I3Lung- Integrative science, Intelligent data platform for Individualized LUNG cancer care with Immunotherapy
- MoveCare – Multiple-actOrs Virtual Empathic CARgiver for the Elder
- ESSENCE: Empathic platform to personally monitor, Stimulate, enrich, and aSsist Elders aNd Children in their Environment. H2020-EU.3.1.
- SOCIETAL CHALLENGES – Health, demographic change and well-being, g.a. 101016112
Other projects about digital technology:
- RICORDO-DTx: Rehabilitation Intervention of COgnitive Resources Domain-Oriented – Digital Therapeutics
- SMART&Touch-ID: A HUB for the creation of innovative rehabilitation systems-SMART, connected to needs and territory-Touch, individualized-ID and sustainable
- SI ROBOTICS: SocIal ROBOTics for active and healthy ageing
- ARTEDIA: Application of TeleRehabilitation as a tool for continuity of care
- Rientr@: Virtual and augmented environments to facilitate return to work after injury
- Rip@rto: Driving simulator to assist operators in assessing the user’s driving skills and choosing which aids to equip the car
Domaines de bonnes pratiques
Good practices in health promotion and disease prevention area:
- Workplace Health Promotion Program – – PP3 PRP 2021-2025. It is a regionally validated program to promote health and prevent behavioural risk factors in the work setting, a privileged setting for the implementation of interventions to promote health in the adult population, including “healthy” ones.
- Walking groups: a programme that involves groups of people doing physical activity by walking together, led by a properly trained Walking leader in order to promote an active and healthy lifestyle as well as chronicity prevention, while simultaneously supporting individual and collective psychosocial health factors and the development of individual and community empowerment.
Lombardy Region NEWS
Lombardy Region shares its article on their 4 Star accreditation in Bruxelles
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