Digital Health Platform of the Usti Region

Digital Health Platform is coordinated by the Innovation centre of the Usti region (ICUK), business support organization founded in 2015 by 3 institutions: the Usti Region Authority, J. E. Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem (UJEP) and the Regional Chamber of Commerce, for the purpose of building innovation ecosystem, supporting entrepreneurship and innovation and their implementation within the Usti region. The Usti region with nearly 800 thousand citizens is considered a coal region in transition, facing many challenges and active and healthy ageing is one of them.

ICUK, in the role of executive body of the Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS3), works towards developing the region through projects designed to generate new economic opportunities, better conditions, and new tools and services. An update of RIS3 is planned in 2023 and innovative health care and social services should have a special emphasis.


Projects (EU funded and others) the AHA Reference Site is participating on (include link to project websites)

D-CARE – Interreg Danube (

IN-4-AHA small twinning on Socatel (ICUK and Rovira i Virgili University)

Domaines de bonnes pratiques

Area 1 – Integrated Care, Polypharmacy and Medicines Management

  • Digital transformation towards personalized digital health and social care based on telemedicine, applied AI (Artificial Intelligence), shared data and mobile applications; and cross-industrial transfer – e.g. from industry and SMEs to health and social care systems.


Area 2 – Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, including Food and Nutrition

  • – educating the general public on health prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and reproductive health via physical and online activities and in cooperation with broad spectrum of supporters (incl. Google).



Usti Region News

Usti Region News

In this setion, USTI Region shares with you some of their news. Find out more.

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