Consellería de Sanidade de Galicia – Galician Health Ministry

Consellería de Sanidade is the Galician Health Ministry, whose mission is defining and promoting strategies and guidelines consistent with health policy formulated by the Government of Galicia.

The Galician Health Service (SERGAS) is the regional organism of the autonomous administration of Galicia that is in charge of health care. All the health centers and services of the Galician autonomous administration belong to it, over which it exercises its direction and management to guarantee health care. It is an autonomous body directed by the Ministry of Health of the Xunta de Galicia. The organization has now around 36,000 health professionals, 14 hospitals, 500 primary care centers in 7 health areas and about 111 emergency centers.

In 2016, the Galician Health Ministry created the Galician Health Knowledge Agency (ACIS). This organism was born to become the key element of the health and knowledge ecosystem in Galicia. Since its creation, ACIS works alongside the Galician Health Regional Government and is in charge of implementing innovation policies in the health sector.

Galicia has 2.7 M. inhabitants. Some of the life-course approaches to active and healthy ageing priorities are: patient autonomy; healthy living and active ageing; active participation in international networks and to turn Galicia into a region of reference in innovation in active ageing, since it is one of the regions with the highest population ageing.


Public Procurement of Innovation projects:


NextGeneration EU projects – digitalisation:


European projects:

Domaines de bonnes pratiques

The Galician Health Ministry has developed the Plan of Health Priorities to focus innovation activities in those activities in those diseases that mostly affect an aged population and Galician resources in chronic diseases or diseases frequent in aged societies. This plan serves to prioritize new projects and take decisions towards the needs of the system, so that efficiency in resource allocation is maximized. The priorities identified in the Galician plan are: ischemic heart disease, stroke, diabetes, depression/affective disorders, COPD and lung, colon and breast cancer.

In fact, the development of new projects and initiatives to improve these activities contributes to fulfil the third challenge included in the Galician Smart Specialization Strategy, RIS3. The Galician RIS 3 has been defined around three big challenges. Challenge 3 involves the promotion a “new healthy lifestyle model based on active ageing of population” whose main target is to convert Galicia into a leading region in the south of Europe in the application of new technologies to the field of active ageing and personal autonomy, especially in benefit of the elderly affected by some kind of disability. 




Here, Consellería de Sanidade de Galicia – Galician Health Ministry is sharing some news about their current and past activities.

évènements à venir



Find out about events Consellería de Sanidade de Galicia – Galician Health Ministry is attending to.

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