In this section, you’ll find out more about their Events.
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Region of Southern Denmark Events
Find out more about past, current and futur events in Southern Denmark Region.
Friuli Venezia Giulia Events
In this section, you’ll find direct links to the Events & news within FVG Region.
11th Annual Conference of Europe’s Sciences and Arts Leaders and Scholars
Hybrid Conference held on 10 – 17 March 2023. It’s About People 2023 Social and Technological Development in Service of Security and Dignity.
AgeingFit Event, March 6th & 7th 2023 in Lille (France)
AgeingFit is the leading European event dedicated to innovation for well-being in older age and will gather over 700+ international attendees from more than 25 countries.
Find out about events Consellería de Sanidade de Galicia – Galician Health Ministry is attending to.
23-25 February 2023, Villardeciervos (Zamora) – SPAIN.
Remote and face-to face event. Latest trends in social innovation and cutting-edge technology applied to the care sector.
Horizon Europe info day – Cluster 1 Health
Don’t miss the opportunity to get involved in the next Horizon Europe 2023 Health proposals!
Webinar – Data-driven approaches to strengthen AMR management & prevention _ 21st December 2022
The RSCN in collaboration with the RaDAR-PPI project, WHO, and the European Commission are organising a webinar to share with a broader community the challenges faced at the different levels (international, national, regional, local) to effectively address AMR, and the good practices that could inspire action to be implemented throughout the EU, and globally.